
Week 6 Guide

Week 6

Lay down: food from Wednesday to Friday

Pick up: memorize Isaiah 58:1-12

The most simple and powerful thing we can give up during Lent is food. When we give up regular meals, we are making a statement that we are sustained not by food “but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” This week, as you are able, fast food for 72-hours, from Wednesday through Friday (eat dinner on Tuesday night and again on Friday night). In place of those meals, take the opportunity to feast on the Word of God by memorizing our theme passage for this year’s Lent: Isaiah 58.

Lent 2021 Fast – Week 6 – Food (Wednesday – Friday)

The most simple and powerful thing we can give up during Lent is food. When we give up regular meals, we are making a statement that we are sustained not by food “but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” This week, as you are able, fast food for 72-hours, from Wednesday through Friday (eat dinner on Tuesday night and again on Friday night). In place of those meals, take the opportunity to feast on the Word of God by memorizing our theme passage for this year’s Lent: Isaiah 58. Below are a few tips for fasting:

  • Remember that fasting is not just about giving up but also about picking up. We are stopping one thing in order to engage more deeply in something else. We are giving up food to gain greater awareness of the presence and love of God.

  • Make your time of fasting a time of prayer. Every time you notice yourself becoming hungry, direct your attention to God.

  • Slow down: part of the purpose of fasting is to make us move more slowly. You will notice that this will not only be a spiritual discipline but also a physical necessity. Lean into it.

  • Each person should tailor this fast to their needs. This is intended to be an all-food fast; however, that may not be a possibility for you. In that case, don’t miss out; find another way to give up something costly, something that you will notice. If you do choose to participate in the all-food fast, you may find it helpful, however, to continue drinking juices and even brothy soup.

  • Engage with your community. Remember, we are not a bunch of individuals fasting but a community. Let’s walk through this time together. Share what you’re learning, share the challenges, share what you hear God saying. This can be a powerful time not only for each of us but also for all of us.

For Families with kids

Parents, as you choose to fast this week, explain the “why” behind fasting to your children. Share with them that as you voluntarily give up your own comforts, it prepares you to give yourself away to what God has for you. Ask your children if there is something they might be willing to give up this week. It should not be a meal but, it could be dessert or an extra favorite snack. Read Isaiah 58 together throughout the week. Explain Isaiah's basic message that God is more interested in the way we treat other people than He is in the religious act of fasting and giving up food. 

Give each person in your family a piece of paper and crayons or markers. Encourage your children to draw a picture of someone that needs to experience God’s love. Does a neighbor need a ride to school? Is there someone lonely on the playground? Do you have a friend or relative that needs to know about Jesus? Is there a single parent that could use a night off? Come together as a family and share your drawings and discuss tangible ways you can share God’s love.


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