Ways to Give
Give online below, with the option of setting up automatic monthly deductions.
Cash or Check
Please place cash or checks payable to Canopy Church in the offering baskets on Sunday or via mail at 792 Victoria Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Your generosity is what empowers the church to do the ministry God has called it to.
This is a liturgy that we often say out loud together during Sunday gatherings, to remind ourselves of our generous Father who gave everything to us. May we be people who align our hearts to his and give freely.
Generosity Liturgy
Lord, we give our first to you because everything we have is a gift from your generous hand.
Father, we give regularly because giving aligns our hearts and our lives with the life of your Kingdom.
Christ Jesus, we give sacrificially because that’s how you give to us: completely and without reservation--and we want to be like you.
Holy Spirit, we give joyfully because we are honored to invest in the work that you are sowing in this community and through this community.
Tithes and offerings go to our First Fruits, a fund that supports our local and global missions partners, and to ensure that the operations of the church continue. Our yearly budget is approved by the Oversight Team.
First Fruits was formed out of our desire to commit our first to our local and global missions partners. You can learn more about our partners on our Missions page.
Do you or someone you know have a pressing need? We set aside finances to help meet the physical needs of our church family and neighbors. Fill out the form below.