Canopy Youth Spotlight
Over the summer, Canopy Youth students and leaders gathered virtually for a Scavenger Hunt where various prizes were awarded for lip-sync performances, movie voiceovers, and more. Scavenger Hunt packages were delivered to every students home in order to bring the community together even from a distance. To say the Scavenger Hunt must be a repeat is an understatement!
A few weeks later our Canopy Youth students and leaders came together for a distanced movie night in our new church parking lot. Candy and popcorn were provided as the students and leaders enjoyed the classic, Up! We hope for many more movie nights where the youth in our surrounding communities are able to join.
After praying over the Fall, surveying our community, and conversing with our youth leaders, we are excited to announce that Canopy Youth Gatherings will be launching on Thursday, September 24th from 6:30-8:30pm. Canopy Youth meet every week, and will do so in a safe and distanced manner in our new church parking lot.
If you’re the parent of a 6th through 12th grader (or if you’re a student!) and would like your student to join Canopy Youth, click the button below!